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Schwinn Life

Five Summer Biking Ideas

Drew Kries

Summer and biking go together like, well, like summer and the beach. Or summer and cookouts. Or summer and baseball. Or summer and ice cream. It sure does seem like there are plenty of fun things to do as the warm weather rolls around. Here's some more good news: a bike is an awesome way to embark on all sorts of summer adventures, from big outings to small errands.

If you're looking for a way to enjoy summer on your bike, here are five suggestions on how to maximize the two-wheeled fun.

#1 Pedal to a picnic

If your bike has a rear rack like the Discover 2 does, put it to good use by attaching a cooler or picnic basket to it and heading to the park. You could also bring a bike trailer full of goodies for all your friends and family.

After years of picnicking experience, here's one tip we'd like to pass along: make sure you bring more wet wipes and garbage bags than you think you'll need. There isn’t always a trash can nearby, and hauling garbage on your bike isn’t nearly as fun as loading it up with treats.

A person using the rear rack on their Schwinn Coston DX e-bike.

#2 Tour Your Local Libraries

Oh, we do love summer reading, don't we? Maybe we’ll crack the latest bestseller as we sit on the beach. Perhaps we curl up with a classic on a rainy Saturday. Either way, reading is a big part of summer.

If you’re lucky enough to live close to a public library, riding there to read a magazine, stock up on your summer reading material, or even play a game of chess is a great way to spend a summer morning.

As an added bonus, most public libraries ramp up their kids’ programming during the summer months, so the whole family can find something worthwhile and fun on a quick ride to the library.

Two girls riding kids bikes by Schwinn outside.

#3 Do "course" work

Speaking of getting the whole family to bicycle together, consider setting up an obstacle course in your driveway or an empty parking lot. It's one of the best ways kids can learn important biking skills in a controlled environment. In a matter of minutes, you can set up some cones and small jumps for them. Take turns seeing how quickly and how slowly they can navigate the obstacle course. You can also play Red Light, Green Light with them as they ride, a nice bike-centric twist on a classic summer kids’ game.

#4 Bikes and brews

You know what tastes pretty darn good after a few hours of exercise on a hot summer day? An ice-cold beer.

There doesn't seem to be much science to support this, but anecdotal evidence suggests there's a strong link between those who like to cycle and those who enjoy craft beer. You don't have to look hard to find evidence to back that up. Just look at the number of bike-themed craft beers on the market today.

A post-ride beer is a great way to cap off a summer day. And don't feel guilty about it! Most people will burn somewhere between 450-750 calories in an hour of biking. The average craft beer checks in at about 300 calories. A tasty cold one after a good ride is one of life's little pleasures.

#5 Start the habit

Do you find yourself heading back into the office more and more these days? Have you wondered how it might be if you rode your bike to work? How much gas would you save? If you're even vaguely considering riding to work, there's no time like summertime to see how efficient, easy, and fun bike commuting can be.

If you haven't biked to work before, make sure to scout out your route a few days ahead of time. Try to take note of where there are bike paths and bike lanes. See if there are any streets with less traffic that you can take. If it's easy, leave a change of clothes at your desk in case you get splashed or sweaty on the way in. You might also want to consider bringing an emergency repair kit along with you. Follow the Boy Scouts and always be prepared!

Remember to secure your bike with a dependable bike lock so you can go about your workday without worry. Most importantly, bake some extra time into your morning commute in case something slows you down.

A man riding a quality electric bicycle down a sidewalk.

With summer officially here, it's time to start working on your own personal list of favorite biking activities. Make sure to use the hashtag #schwinnbikes in any photos you share on social media. And don't forget to give us a like or follow on our social channels – it's a fun way to talk with our Schwinn riders!

Schwinn Life

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